Thursday, March 24, 2005

Unsuccessful Self-Centered marriages... but why???

While listening to the two guys I'm riding the Rescue with today sarcastically strip down there failed marriages into depressing cliches, I had an interesting epiphany....We, both parties, enter a marriage with self centered expectations and desires, then five, ten, twenty years go by, and we're both living and formulating our decisions based on similar selfish ambitions, and we're disappointed that our "partners" aren't loving or simply treating us the way we feel they should, so we make yet another selfishly driven decision to divorce so we can regain a self supported, sufficient state of temporary satisfaction again. SAD!

Monday, March 21, 2005

"I'm Spritual"

I like words, so naturally I enjoy sensitivity towards semantics. Today I heard myself answer the classic, "Are you religous," question with the now seemingly standard answer, "No, but I'm spiritual." Tonight in the shower I couldn't help but question my answer. Sure, semantically it's true, but is it true? Does my life scream at the top of it's trachea, I'm Spritual! I'm in Love with a Spiritual Being also called Love! I'm forever Alive! What am I screaming? We're all saying something, do we atleast agree with that? Ok, good... so what are you saying?

I'm afraid that I'm still saying to those that I don't talk to much, I'm a nice guy that goes to church and is "religious", and I love Teresa, and family, and volleyball, and life, and yeah, uh, that's all good. In other words, blah, blah, blah, blah. And why doesn't my life influence anyone? Hmmmmmmmmmmm. How do I communicate what my heart is screaming at me? Oh, yeah, good idea, Live it. Cool. Ok, how do I do that. Oh this isn't simply theoretical, topical conversation material, no Teddy, this is my life, come on, how do I live? Well! Satisfied! Open Hearted! Passionately! Provoking Love! I don't know!!!!!!!!!

I hope your doing welll with all this, I'm still working on the words, hoping I'll figure out the application aspect along the way. We'll see. I'll let you know....