Monday, April 11, 2005

The Necessity for Agape

I love words so naturally I'm drivin to think somewhat semantically
There's one word specifically that's been limited in our English dictionary

About two thousand years ago, just before you and I entered the main show
People were living life and having fun, you know the old saying, there's nothing new under the sun

It's true, just ask any Orthadox Jew
They were loving, laughing, crying, marrying, dying, journeying,
working, eating, breathing, sleeping just like they're still doing

But have we ever been forced to create a word for the truth of such an amazing verb
They were and they did, but it's been forgotten over time and hid

See in our overly simplistic society
We've even limited our languages ability for piety

Let me set the scene it's about 33 AD
There's a risen saviour and His disciples sitting by the sea

Fortunately there is a fire and plenty of fish to eat
As Peters lesson teaches us semantic necessity

The Risen one asks Peter, Jonahs son
Do you Agape me more than these

Peters answer stands, Yes Lord, you know that I Phileo you more than these
Feed my lambs!

The Saviour says repeatedly, Peter do you Agape me
Peters answer, not quite as steep, Yes Lord you know that I Phileo you,
Tend my Sheep!

The third time He asks understandingly, Peter do you Phileo me
Looking at his Saviours feet, Peter is forced to repeat
You know all things, you know that I Phileo you
Tend my Sheep! Tend my Sheep, Peter! Tend my Sheep!

Peter was just a man, scared, hurt, tired, and broken
Then Jesus came and held his hand, helped him stand

But it's not until Pentecost, when there lives are truley lost,
That they could ever understand exactly what Agape cost

It's All Slipping Away From Us

In the pursuit of self preservation, comfort, and freedom
We have limited our lives to mediocrity and utter boredom

How long can you and I survive in a world designed for people we despise
The ability to effect eternity is quickly slipping away form me

Every day, every hour, self preservation empowers hesitation
It's slipping, it's all slipping away from me.

I wonder is there a better place for kids to raise
Will the price of gas soon surpass the middle class

Can interest rates continue to lie straight to our face
Are houses homes or investments that our futures will soon condone

Is war really real, it seems to be something that I can't feel
We're all so numb, until I sat down I couldn't feel your thumb

corporate coffee and genetically modified potatoes will certainly be the death of me
The death of me, it's all slipping, slipping away from me

One day melts into another and what I have to show for it would disgrace my mother
A series of self centered decisions have ushered me directly to all my inhibitions

If ignorance is bliss, then why does stupidity cause us to clinch fists

Slavery is alive, yes slavery is alive, Thank God slavery is alive
So we can achieve the American dream, or for most of us, simply survive

I question the 9 to 5, how is it that you live life
And the 7 to 10, are you still men

Who's in control of your soul, it's your soul, it's your soul,
It's slipping, it's all slipping away from me, it's slipping, it's all slipping away from us.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

What do you think about the Popes death???

It's interesting... the expectations from "non-practicing" Catholics for me to have specific thoughts about the Popes death, and I don't really have any. It highlights my ignorance towards the work and ministry of the Pope. Hopefully I'll develope some knowledge and insight out of this. I'm realizing more and more, "it matters."