Thursday, January 05, 2006

What's the Biblical Bottom Line Goal of the "Local Church?"

This is a question that's been floating around in my head for the last week, but I can't seem to get any concrete answers formed in my gray matter, so I'm going to attempt to write, hoping that my fingers will become a poop shoot of liquid stuff, that can be quickly hardened as it settles. What is the Biblical bottom Line goal of the "Local Church?" The word church is heard and understood differently by different people, so let me clarify the two main ways I'll use this word. Church with a capital 'C' will mean the Body of Christ, and "local church" will mean the building, corporate congregation, business, religious tradition, etc. Aspect of the word. My concern and love is for the Church, while my question is for both, because as much as I disdain many aspects of the "local church", I believe that our Father is using it, and there is a sadness that wells up inside me with the potential death, and already visible lack of influence and power of the "local church". I say influence and power in a spiritual matter, not in the matters of the physical or political. I ask this question with the hope of being able to trim the fat off of the "local church/Church" so we can trim down to what really matters, and what we're really to be focusing our most valuable resources on. (Time & Energy)

As I think about the Church two specific verses come to me quickly. The first is The Great Commission, shortened, to be and make disciples of Christ, baptize them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and learn and teach all things that Christ commanded us, and know that He is with us to the end of the age. Secondly, the greatest commandment of all, shortened, to Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. Recently I've had several conversations with friends around callings. Often times the old, I feel called to...., sounds pretty questionable to me. I am having a hard time deciphering what specifically I'm called to, probably because that's largely a man thing. I'm called to be and make disciples, baptize, and obey and teach all that Christ commanded first and foremost. If we all focus on the root of our calling/commission, how different does the body of Christ look? How differently does the local church look? If we truly valued the Word of God above the worth of man, what would be different. If we focused on the crystal clear ministry that we're specifically called to as believers, what would our homes, neighborhoods, and local churches look like. If we would affirm people's obedience to the scriptures over there gifts and talents how different would peoples decision making process be. I pulled up next to a friend today driving a new porshe that I didn't know he owned. I rolled down my window and said to him from my Honda CRV, why are you driving a piece of crap like that, it doesn't even get good gas mileage? His face was bewildered, he wasn't sure how to react. I guarantee he bought that flashy car to get affirmation from people and more so chicks. What would happen spiritually if we affirmed peoples obedience, which often times looks like a Toyota Corrolla next to the Porshe of gifts and talents. Should we be "doing" church differently? If we are truly desiring to follow Christ in the way we live and do life together, how does the Church and the local church take shape? Differently I believe,
but I'm still having a hard time getting anything concrete. What do you think? What is the Biblical Bottom Line goal of the "local church?"


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