Sunday, August 12, 2007

Paul and his boys...

I have no desire to diminish the work of Paul and his boys, but what if what they did was never intended to be the end all be all? What if they did the best they could, being lead by the Holy Spirit, but never meant for their work and ministry to be systematically organized and categorized. What if the work of the Apostles was specific for a place and time? What if we've limited the gospel by trying so hard to reproduce thousands of years of men's best and worst attempts to create church? What if we've missed the forest for the shrubs?


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Patrick and Megan said...

My posts are powerful? Yours speak louder than most my friend.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

I would not wish country club religion on my kids. I do say real church peeps seeking and worshipping and flattening their minds is must do. not fluffy church in an essay 10 steps. paul & the boys is only the beginning of whats to come it does say..but i'm floating in delusion and vanity w/o some warriors fighting w/ me at a spiritual home base. ok good see u at the harbour.
kidding. good gritty thoughts tho

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

(and) was specific and perfectly sucks at upholding what God intends when he's not broken enough to let God build he's giving us time. again. and again. til the time is ripe to break and link, and rend our hearts to let him purify us. we're breaking slowly so we can really be built right. grace please!

the end. serious.


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