Tonights Prayer
Lord God I want to know you. I believe that you have created and sustained all things. I believe that your Son is the perfect sacrificial savior that you have chosen for us. I believe that you are a good, loving, righteous, just, jealous, merciful, gracious father. I do not fully understand, but believe in the Holy Trinity. I believe that you sent your Holy Spirit to abide in us, to live with us, as our counselor, guide, teacher, and comforter. I believe in you. I fear you. I desire to have wisdom, faith, and ultimate freedom.
My sin is great. I ask for forgiveness and I repent from the sins that I have known and continue to give birth to. Give me strength to be obedient and to love you more than my flesh. Reveal yourself to me. Give me a passion for righteousness. Live with me, in me, speak to me, burden me for your Kingdom. Make clear the paths that best honor you for me and my family. Allow your Holy Spirit to truly be my counselor, guide, teacher, and comforter. I love you. Thank you for your kept promises and those to come. Find favor in you fickle, fallen servants. Teach us how to live as redeemed children of the one true God.